From simple machine translation to more complex, customized localization projects, we have a solution package for everyone.
Source file can be any format. Target file will be ready to publish.
We save and store your translations, translation memory and termbase and we also provide you with an export upon request, which reduces your costs in future projects.
Recommended for: materials to be published, for example: technical manuals, brochures, products descriptions, software interfaces, legal, financial, marketing texts, website localization, mobile apps, etc.
Editable source file required
Recommended for: internal communications, ad hoc documentation, presentations, reports, etc.
Machine Translation (MT) is a translation service when computer software translates text from one language to another without human involvement.
Post-editing follows the Machine Translation process. Human translators edit the machine translated text mainly for accuracy and also for clarity, flow and local resonance to improve its quality.
Editable source file required
Recommended for: basically all types of content that is not intended to be published. For example: user generated content (e.g., reviews), comments, e-mails, letters, knowledge base, etc.